

Thursday, January 7, 2016

2016: The Year so far, My Plans and Some Tips for you

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It's been only 7 days since the dawn of new year, and it has been great so far, very satisfying actually, be it Food, Happiness level, Active level or anything, way better than last year, and I see myself making proper use of time. 

I recently had the time to look at my Blog, and realized that I've been writing posts annually, and none in 2015, so this year, one of my New Year Resolution was to publish posts on my personal blog (Do I have another blog? Oh yeah!! ;) ) at least once a month. And then the makeover to the blog, went pink, purple, black and girly this time with the background, and an EASY to remember domain (even I found thinkdistinctively hard to pronounce), and now with the new domain the blog shows up first on Google search. 

2016 has been a year of great changes (ALREADY?!!), I've started on my usual practice of 'Dawn of the New Year Assumptions', which I think I stopped doing for the past 3years, well, it's basically assuming what happens in the upcoming new year, based on how and what you felt on the Dawn of New Year (that is at 12 midnight) and on the 1st of Jan, you write down your assumptions (Ex: I'll be taking over responsibilities or Travelling throughout the year or a lot of food this year) on a paper or diary and check them on the dawn of the next new year to see if your gut feelings or assumptions were correct or not. 

In my case of course, whatever I've assumed so far has come true (weird though, or my gut feelings are right), just give it a try and see, it's not late yet. 

And I got a DIARY this year (Whaat), yes, sounds crazy, but been 3 years since I owned a diary, and I blame the loss of creativity on that. 

And then, one of my assumptions was Food, loads of food, and that is what has been happening, whether at Home, Office or From Bae, I'm being stuffed with all kinds of cuisine. (There is also me treating myself to JUNK FOOD) 

My Plans for 2016: 

2016 is gonna be a busy year, (I think) and I've got hundreds and thousands of plans running on my mind, raw materials needed, how to implement, how to market, etc etc. Too many Hows and Can't wait to Try it outs, if I had the money would start off everything this week, but then maybe I should take it slow, if not be broke for the rest of the month. (Heehee) 

I've got to juggle between office work, personal work (can't let the room be a mess, can I), then the Online store, Personal blog, Other Blog (Which I haven't written a post until now), DIY ideas and other ideas (which I will not reveal now). 

But the sad part is that we've got only 24 Hours a day, and January is a lil slow, and the rains are messing with my plans too, but soon, will start off other things I'm missing. No, I do not procrastinate, I get too excited to try out everything all at once. The other day, on the 1st, I was looking for a branch for a craft idea, went to the garden, got one off the Cherry Tree, but then it was too cute to chop off the extras, and now there it is, as part of my room decor (I found another for the craft though, now my room has 2 dried branches) 

As to rarely writing on my blog, the problem is I get ideas on what to write (I compose the post on my head) at night, while doing chores at home, and by the time I go to a paper to write it down, I've forgotten almost everything. (And its mind to mouth with me, before mind to pen, so if you see me talking on my own, its just the ideas flowing), So now, I've started recording what I speak (Awkward). 

Tip to Everyone: 

It's not late to be who you want to be, start off right now, you don't necessarily have to do one job, give time to your passions as well, and my suggestion would be to start your own blog so that you can share who you are and your ideas with the world, and maybe you can make some money out of your passion as well. (But make sure money is not your priority, instead the happiness of doing what you like). 

'Never Depend on a Single Income'
Nowadays lives are way too complicated, and many work in places they don't belong in, but remain there for the money, you can stick do that, and at the same time do what you like to do. 

I'd like to end with this quote by Robin Sharma I saw this morning, "Don't Live The Same Year 75 Times and Call it a Life". Keep this in mind at all times peeps.

Do let me know what your plans for 2016 are, and what changes you want to incorporate into your life this year (Hoping to write on this subject), and try the Assumption Game too.