

Monday, June 13, 2016

Kalakand : Quick, Easy and Yummy Indian Sweet Recipe

Hola, haven't had the chance to blog for a while, been lazy and busy :P

It's Ramazan, and with Eid coming up, I've taken one extra step and have started trying out various sweets and snacks every now and then. (Amidst all that protest by mum for sharing kitchen space).

Kalakand, an indian paneer/cottage cheese based sweet, was my most recent try, and it came out super yummy.

I found this sweet on, most of the recipes call for store brought Paneer & Condensed milk, I was looking for something inexpensive, readily available and with less sugar / sweetners. (Or anything that doesn't require me making a trip to the supermarket).

That is when I decided to look it up on my most favorite website, . It's been 2 years since I found this website, and I'm in love since then. Most of the recipes featured here are Indian cuisine, which for Sri lankans is the closest our palate is used to.

The best part about her recipes is that they include step by step instructions WITH PICTURES!! And almost all the ingredients are readily available in our kitchen.

Anyway, here is what you've been waiting for, THE recipe:

This is what mine looked like, apologize my photography skills

Kalakand Recipe

Preparation Time: 15-20 mins | Makes: 10 - 12 Squares

For the Cottage Cheese:

Milk - 3 Cups (Approx. 600 ml)
Lemon / Lime Juice (Of half a lemon / lime)
Ice Cubes (Optional)

Milk - 1 Cup
Condensed Milk- 2 Tbsp
Sugar - 3/4 Cup
Cardamom - 1 or 2
Chopped Almonds or Pistachios - To Garnish 


1. Boil the 3 Cups of Milk, when it's about to come to a boil, add the lime juice (make sure you put      away the seeds beforehand). At this point the milk starts to curdle.

2. Keep stirring till the milk completely separates from the water, this should take about 5 minutes to   be done, once done switch off the stove, and add the Ice cubes. (Ice cubes makes the process  faster by cooling the water down).

3. Strain the mixture on a regular strainer or a muslin cloth, collect the Paneer, wash it once under       running water (to get rid of the lime) , squeeze out excess water, keep aside. (Preferably on top of a  dish to collect any remaining water).

4. Take a pan, boil the 1 cup of milk, let it boil till the quantity reduces in half. Now add the Condensed milk, give it a quick stir, and let this new milk mixture reduce in half.

5. Now crumble the Paneer a bit and add this to the milk along with the Sugar and Cardamom. 
Keep the flame on medium or low, let this mixture get thick like a whole mass, with bubbles at the edge. Switch off.

6. Spread this mixture on a slightly greased plate or tray, level it on the top and the sides, garnish with chopped nuts.

7. Refrigerate for 1 - 2 hours, cut in to squares and enjoy your super yummy sweet.

If you liked this recipe, please do try it out and share your end results with us.

Click here to view step by step instructions with pictures.


* Sometimes when you add the paneer, you might see water separating again from the mixture, this       happens when the paneer has water.

* You can add Saffron or a Drop of Vanilla if you like.