

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mr. Perfect, Its all about adjusting and compromising in life: Movie Review

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When life takes a new twist, everything around turns out to be a lesson, even Movies….

I watched this movie, Mr. Perfect, a Telugu dubbed in Tamil movie, few months back, and here is the review for the movie, which teaches us the Importance of Adjusting and Compromising in life….

The Plot

Vicky (Prabhas), an expert in Gaming Software, lives in Australia, never compromises in life, a principle he adheres to since his childhood. He believes one should be oneself in a relationship and one shouldn’t change one’s orientation for the sake of the Partner. He also encourages his friends to follow his policies.

He says : About the Importance of fulfilling Dreams & that a Girl should change her world, if not the boy will have to sacrifice his dreams, which isn’t practical, and that the world we live in, is a busy scheduled one and a husband and wife get the chance to meet only 2hrs a day, so he asks what is the need to compromise even in that time limited period.

But Vicky’s principles and attitudes leads to a clash of interests with his father (Nasser), who constantly advices him since childhood to adjust his character for his and others happiness.

Meanwhile in India, Vicky’s parents arrange a wedding alliance between him and Priya (Kajal Agarwal), Vicky’s childhood friend, who is a Doctor by profession, she and Vicky are poles apart, while Vicky is modern in thinking and is not ready to compromise in life, Priya is traditional, conservative and ready to compromise for others happiness.

Initially Vicky and Priya don’t get along very well, and both play practical jokes on one another, but later on her fathers’ advice, Priya attempts to change her attitudes toward Vicky, soon Priya falls in love for him, and changes in many ways like giving up her love for classical dance (as Vicky dislikes it), eating Non vegetarian , and wearing Modern clothes. Soon, Vicky falls for her too, and is ready to accept the proposal until he finds out that she has compromised on her interests for his sake, he rejects the proposal and leaves to Aussie.

Back in Australia, Vicky is matched up through a Cadbury Survey with Maggie (Taapsee Pannu), a free spirited, modern girl who shares his NO COMPROMISE attitude, soon, they meet, date and decide to get married. However Maggie’s father is none other than the brother of the head of MindGames, who is unwilling to let Vicky marry Maggie.

After much persuation from Vicky, Maggies father agrees to let Vicky marry Maggie, but on the condition, that Vicky should stay in his house for 4days, for Maggies sisters wedding, and if he manages to win over 2 relatives of Maggie, he would let Vicky have Maggie, and get a business in India, else he should forget Maggie and leave the contract.

Soon, relations start pouring from India, and to Vicky’s shock, one of them is Priya, the groom’s cousin. During the 4days with the help of Priya, Vicky manages to win over the entire family. It is clear that Vicky is going to win the challenge, so Priya leaves to India that night, heart broken, at the thought of Vicky marrying Maggie.

Vicky receives a message recorded by Priya prior to him rejecting her, on her mobile, where she had declared her love for him. He gains a change of heart, on seeing this, and realizes how much priya had loved him and was willing to change, inspite of his faults. He also realizes the need for compromises in life.

Vicky conveys his feeling to all the wedding guests and Maggie, and decides not to marry her, Maggie understands his feelings and accepts the decision.

Vicky returns to India to win back Priya, after initially playing hard to get, Priya accepts his love. 

The messages given through the movie

The movie may initially look like an ordinary Romantical comedy, but at the end, it has many simple things which makes us think and make use of in our lives too, the themes/ messages portrayed through the movie is given below ;

  • Shows the Importance of socializing with people in a function, i.e staying away from Technos like Mobiles, Laptops etc
  • When you do something you like, the happiness you get is limited, but if you do something  which others like, the happiness you get out of it is unlimited.
  • Winning isn’t Important in life, adjusting is, the more you adjust, the more you will have your friends and relations beside you in life.
  • What we give, comes back to us.
  • We should adjust to come up in life.
  • Every time you decide to win a game, u learn what the real success in life is, i.e the happiness you get by sacrificing ur happiness/ dreams for someone else’s happiness.
  • That certain things in life make us happy, while some others make us sad when we think about them, It’s us who should decide what to and what not to think.
  • If two people have to get together, one person should sacrifice/ compromise.
  • Love is not what we like, but it is about adjusting to the way others like.
  • We don’t regret if we adjust in Love, but we realize that Love becomes strong and lasts longer instead.
  • Marriage isn’t what happens between 2 perfect people,  but it’s about making each other perfect according to each other.
  • Marriage is a beginning for a new life, and if initiated with affection it will  last longer with beauty.
  • AND IF U EXPECT TO BE HAPPY FOREVER, LITTLE WORRIES IN BETWEEN, IS NORMAL, and we should tolerate them in order to live a Happy life.

      So yes, such messages are indeed inspiring and they are included in the movie not only to entertain us, but also for us to make use of them in life and lead a fruitful life making us and others around us Happy J

None of us are born perfect, but made perfect by life, and this perfectness can be achieved only by ADJUSTING AND COMPROMISING!!! :D