

Monday, March 20, 2017

March 2017 : Oops

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Describes March the Best 

I'm so so sorry, and extremely guilty. I am supposed to write a part 2 for my previous January Update cause it was too long, (Read it here if you haven't, it's interesting ðŸ˜‰). But never got to that.

I had it all stored in my head, the entire post, and I wanted to type it out the very next day, and I got sick again, which is not cool, and while the fever went down in 2 days, the cough lasted for over 3 weeks. So every time I an idea or a phrase pops up in my head, so does my cough! It was like this huge barrier for my thinking process.

I tried Strepsils first, then tried Homoeopathy, cause it usually works like magic for me, unfortunately not this time, then tried western medicine (It was this teeny tiny tablet, and I hate tablets in general, cause I'm extremely scared of choking, but somehow managed to swallow one, and apparently it works so fast that you feel drowsy in 2 hours, what nonsense, I was up until morning.) 

Then had to turn for home remedies, honey and lemon, masala milk, turmeric milk, ginger and pepper tea??! Nope, still didn't work, at one point I was wondering if I've got TB, and if I'm nearing my last days, even If I were in my last days, I could never have enjoyed anything with this cough!

Finally, at the end of the 3rd week, my mom in law to be sent this Ayurveda porridge like thing she made with Dry ginger, pepper and 7 other herbs, brown in colour, and tasted very medicinal, but was sweet, so you can tolerate the taste.

I was asked to have it before bed, and to not eat or drink anything afterwards for at least 2 hours, and I woke up in the morning with zero cough and phlegm!

I couldn't thank her enough, and got her to promise me that she will give me the recipe one day,OLD IS GOLD!

And that kind of made me realize, how much the practices of those days are forgotten. We think that being modern, and living in a toxic environment, eating quick fix foods means we are cool, and going with the flow, but it also means that our life span is decreasing and that we are ageing really fast.

Just look at everyone, most of the people barely look their age, they look way elder, and tired 24 x 7, like programmed robots, we just do what we have to, to go with the flow, it's all about securing a good job, earning more and then what? 

Spending all that you earned on high tech items? automobiles? a house, mansion, villa? What do we do for ourselves? Most of the things we do, it's to impress others, none for us.

Those before us, our parents and grandparents, they had a better reputation than we do in the society, a good job, a roof to shelter, extremely healthy meals, and they had more money and time, and had even more fun than we do now.

Nowadays, when we need a getaway, it doesn't happen just like that, first we have to see if we are free, then make a budget, allocate an amount for the vacation, and there is a 50% chance that we will turn down the idea, cause it's much cheaper spending time at home watching a movie with some snacks.

Am I right or am I right???!!!

January & February

A lot did happen actually, but my gold fish memory doesn't serve me well, there are only 3 I can think of right now.

01. Good Market- Race Course


Been on my bucket list for over two years, finally decided to drop in one Saturday, and it was the best decision and experience ever! 

Can you imagine the amount of positive vibes emanating from one place, it's a very beautiful and friendly community, and you feel much closer to nature at Good market.

It's right in the heart of Colombo, but for me it was more like I was in another country or city at a Farmer's market.

I really loved the fact that they do not have disposable cutlery or straws, and the food, yummy and super healthy, if you are a vegan or simply an organic lover, this place is for you.

If you remember my last post, I added a few excerpts from my Facebook status, but didn't add the next part, here is the missing part :)

"It is a difficult process, cutting down and getting used to, but when you look at the bigger picture, you'd be happy to give up.
Just give a visit to Good Market one Saturday, you'll know what change feels like, such a beautiful community, positive vibes, and a zero toxic atmosphere.
Akmal told me this yesterday,
May be the reason that many people don't come here as much as they do to supermarkets or malls is probably cause they see it from the outside or read the word organic somewhere and label the place expensive.
Just drop in sometime, you'll know " :)

02. Public Library

I've been an average bookworm since I was a teenager, I had my genres, but language never mattered to me, I would read 3 books a week back then, and it is now that I am actually catching up on Movies and Songs released in the 2000's.

I've been eyeing to get a membership at the public library for over 5 years now, and finally went and submitted the application forms, there is one more trip I've got to make to the library, once I do that, I can mark a complete  on my list.

03. Eat Street 2017 - 11th Feb at Green Path

The first ever eat street at Colombo was during the final quarter of 2016 if I'm right, and it was not held in a big scale, but it was okay, nothing extra ordinary, except for the Marbroc Bubble Tea.

I was quite skeptical about going here for the 2nd time, cause the first left my feet scarred forever, the sun burn is not that visible now, but is still there.

This time I went a bit prepared, covered from head to toe, but I guess it didn't help either. There were much more stalls than last year, but nothing impressive, we did try some french fries with cheese topping, and fruits,but the heat from the Sun, from the grills did not help at all. Sometimes I wish they had put up a marquee.

Also, there were tables laid out in the middle of the road, but having your meals, boiling under the sun, not a very good idea. We did walk into the park after a while, but I wonder if I will ever go for another street food fest after this experience.

Or if you don't intend to grab brunch or lunch, then the evening hours would be great to visit.

These 3 were pretty important, but I did catch up on loads of movies during February, English and Tamil.


March 2017 was not as bad and enlightening as last year. (If you had not read my personal best posts for March 2016, you can read part 1 here, and part 2 here.), but it was okay I guess.

I did cut myself in places, and had oil just jump up to my face, but these are just minor issues when I think about the best things that happened in March.

Cooking with NO FLAWS

I am a good cook, but not a great one, and usually my dishes end up having less salt than usual, but less is way better than more right? Or the dishes have a flavour which is quite complicated for everyone.

After what felt like a decade, I decided to give cooking a shot once again, and this time, I was proud of myself. *Pats on Back*

I tried out Curd Vadai, Palak Chapathi, Dhal Fry, and Chicken Curry, and got the thumbs up, you will survive from the younger sister, who is like the Gordon Ramsay of the family. 

Weight GAIN

I've been on the under 50 kg list like forever, and everyone who knows my eating my habits are most often shocked to hear that I never put on.

I went on various diets these past years, high carb, high protein, high junk, Nutrigain, I even tried the junk food and carbonated drink diet for a while, nope, didn't even gain 100g.

And very recently I decided to stay away from oily and spicy food, at least for 5 days a week, and I've given up instant noodles and carbonated drinks for good, I mean I will drink if I have to, when I've got no other choice, but I like to limit it to 1 bottle a week. 

So after I started this crazy diet, I manged to gain 4 kgs in 2 weeks. I don't maintain a chart or anything, but when I do crave for something, to hell with the weight gain.  

But here is something I found out, not only did I gain weight, but also lethargy. I've finally fought it, cause I'm not known to be a sloth, and here I am typing away.


I am not hitting the gym, just moving my arms and legs, so you guys can calm down, got my running shoes, so trying my best to do some light cardio, or just walk 3 km a day.


One more spontaneous event of the year, we planned it out in less than 2 hours, and was a huge success, minus the dry hair and glitter.

Will post about it in detail on another post, and my greatest disappointment of this month is that my writing, wording skills have just dropped, I make poor captions and a very bad blog post, it doesn't feel right.

Choices and Temple Run 2

Been wasting hours on these two games, but no regrets. All my siblings and cousins have installed Choices, and we've finished most of the books and are awaiting new chapters. It's like a tv series addiction, and the latest topic of squad discussions.

Temple Run has this Global Challenge going on for the next 7 days, so it's all about being on top.


Is that even a word? Idk

Anyway, I'm up to something quite crazy and monochrome with my mop, if you are on Instagram and follow me, you get to see the pictures, if not, IF I capture more than 10 images of my mop, I'll put it up on the blog.

I gotta wrap up this post now, but before that, remember that it is Summer in Spring if you live in the tropics or anywhere close to the equator, so make sure you are hydrated, carry some rose water to refresh yourself, a decent sunscreen or a day cream with SPF, and your umbrella AND shades, must haves.

Also, don't let the heat get to your head, every ones losing their temper these days.

If you follow me on Instagram (aimthi) make sure you check my mopster updates. Follow me on Twitter and FB (aaqimthi), for blog and other public updates.

Got any suggestions for a blog post, product or food review? Email me on