

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Long Time No Write: Sometimes March Happens In Life

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Hey There! AGAIN

So, the previous part of the post was how March was the month of deaths, well, it doesn't end with the passing of my granny.

Even before we were out of the initial shock, more deaths followed, just not anyone related this time, but still, another human, at least 2 deaths a day, due to accidents, suicides, bomb blasts or sudden deaths for petty reasons! Death has taken its toll this month!

Along with all that grief, depression and frustration, oh, and the heat, the flu hit me a week later, and had me bed ridden for a couple of days, I was up and about in just two days, thanks to my unusual diet, courtesy of Google, but that worked!!! (The secret is sandwiches packed with meat and whole lotta veggies). Next time you are sick, Google the foods to eat during a fever, sore throat etc. You'll be surprised by the results.

Then the black out in Srilanka, adding to all the miseries of the month, like there isn't enough. But then, during this one particularly long blackout day, a Sunday, it felt good to do something out of the norm, almost all the phones died out in a few hours, so all the family members were out in the garden, playing card games, talking about the past, present, current affairs, or sharing about something we read on fb, or somewhere else, it was nice, very nice to be honest.

Technology has taken away our chance to live, or it has changed how we view life in general. Now everything revolves around mobile and internet, yes, internet is good, phones are convenient, but that is supposed to be a hobby, part of the day, not the entire day itself.

Whether at a funeral, a date, movie or any other social gathering, technology takes away our chance to mingle with people, and TALK.

When we were young, we used to play dress up, cooking games, or anything that requires us to have company, playtime was like bonding time between siblings back then, but now, everyone occupies a space somewhere and play these games virtually with some one on the other side of the world, while they ignore the person right next to them. There are some games/apps I personally prefer which requires another person, like Charades or games like Quizup has various topics which you can play in groups.

This is not healthy for children growing up, or even adults, we need to be outdoors, taking a walk, going to the beach, or merely playing cricket or football outside the house. The more time we spend indoors, the more lazy we get, plus more energy consumption, bringing me back to where I started, the blackout in the country.

I even had a discussion with my sisters about this, and surprisingly even they need a blackout, just so that we can have fun talking, or making beverages under the lantern light like the other day.

Even most of my electronic devices decided to give up on life this March, and I haven't still made up my mind about purchasing another BIG phone, we buy phones for almost close to 1 lakh, just because it is the latest, has a 3 MP cam more than the previous version, a little faster RAM, just to have it malfunction in a few months, and start over again? A phone with a good front and back cam, a faster RAM and at least 16 GB internal storage would do, it doesn't have to be 80k and the latest so that I can I show off among friends and family, it is gonna keep us from living this life and having FUN in real anyway.

Then there's also the drama, in an out of home, March turned out to be a Month of Mishaps, a series of tests from every angle, and I'm all set to declare it the Black Month of 2016. But then I may have to rethink it, cause, if not for this black month, I wouldn't be writing this much. And whatever said and done, life goes on, and all these experiences make us a better person day by day.

All you need to feel normal amidst all these mishaps and troubles is to keep yourself distracted, do what you usually do, anything that keeps you comfortable, in my case reading, and It's the Twilight Saga this March, I don't normally do romance, but it's good to do something out of our comfort zone once in a while.

And yes yes, I'm a late reader, I was one of those unfortunate ones to watch the movie first, but I guess that's better, instead of having it read beforehand and sulking at the movies.

Once again, improvised from the original in mind, mainly due to the change in weather, most of it was how annoyingly painful this weather was, but, sunny is always better than rainy.

Hopefully April will be full of things to write about (GOT Season 06!!!!), till then take care, great care, brace yourselves for the blows that are yet to come, and no matter what happens, stay strong peeps, sometimes Life happens, in my case, March happens!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Long Time, No Write : Updates of the Months Past: Making Memories

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Hey There! Long time, no write, and I blame it all on the months past!

If February was horrible, then March is terribly terrible, or whatever similar word there is.

February turned out to be a month with overcast skies, so just like with the sky, the climate clouded my thoughts too!! Just the perfect weather to sleep all day or read, all in all, LAZY month... (Book of the month, End Game by James Frey, can't wait to get my hands on the sequel!!)

And then follows Maaaaarch, I had been expecting a sunny month so that I can get back to all my usual activities, especially writing, you see four weeks without writing is so NOT cool.

Turned out my wish for the weather was granted after all, just a few times more than what anyone could have wished for.

Apparently the heat is gonna get worse as the months go on, so much for cutting trees! You go nature! Sometimes I wonder, when will people ever learn from their mistakes?? 

Luckily, the rains have returned as I type this, a better April by the feel of it, and after a bad month, this is all we need right now.

And then the Deaths, my gran passed away during the 1st week of the month, she was healthy, happy and comparatively young. Though I never had a very close relationship with her, once she was gone, it rocked our world, nothing is the same without her even though we only realized it once she was gone. 

Her death taught us many lessons, especially that death is totally unpredictable, and this world is short lived, so whatever we need to do or tell to someone, better now than later, I truly wish that I could have done many when she was alive, and it deeply hurts knowing that we will be celebrating all the special occasions in life without her.

Sometimes we take relationships for granted, friends, family, love, well the future is unstable for all of us, nobody can guarantee a long life, so it's always better if we don't put off everything to do later, let's do when we have time, let's do it when we have money, it'll never happen, when we do have the time and money, then we won't have the people we wanted to make memories with.

Small things like a meal for the family, gift for a loved one, or little gestures need not be put away for tomorrow, next month or next year, they may never come, for you or them. IF anything happens, and we never got to do what we wanted for them, or say the words which would mean a lot, the regret and pain is much more than the human mind can imagine.

If a loved one stopped talking to you, or left you to never look at you again, and that managed to blow a hole inside you, to change your life completely, imagine what it is like to have a loved one go to a point of no return?

At one point of life, everyone needs to see a person take their last breaths, it hurts, shatters you, but it also brings you back to reality, the important matters at hand, that it's about making memories and living life with people you know. 

Sometimes we may not even realize our love for someone, or how much our soul yearns for their company until they are away, or gone forever. I guess our minds cloud our emotions most of the time.
Today, you may hate your parents, siblings, husband, children, relatives for minute reasons, but tomorrow, they are nothing but bad memories and regrets.

I was thinking of only one post with a complete update of March, but never expected to write this much on this one topic, this is the first, writing without having rough notes, so as this is kinda long, I've decided to post the rest separately.

So, Yes, it is very hard without my granny, but then again, life has to go on, instead of worrying about what could have been done, it's high time we look into what could be done.

Two days back we were looking at my grannys photo albums, and then looking at those, there was a completely different feeling that washed over, which I  wouldn't have had if I were looking on my phone. No matter how many thousands of photos we've got on our phone or computer, it's never the same like going through albums, that night I made a resolution to store all our best future memories in an album.

And I end this post with a poem I found on FB yesterday, which has turned out to be my life goals in one picture.