

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

De Cluttering: NOW is the best time to do it

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"De-Cluttering is the Key to Happiness"

How, you ask?

DID YOU KNOW that not only people, but even things give out vibes?  Have you been feeling tired, sleepy or lazy for no reason at all lately? 

Do you feel like you've got this invisible burden, or a huge wall inside your head stopping you from even thinking? 

Well. if you are nodding to these questions, then you could be surrounded by a pile of unwanted items, giving out negative and old vibes, and you might not even be aware of it.

Even if you don't believe in vibes, let's be a bit more practical here, who would want to live in a mess?

When you clean where you live or work, your mind clears itself automatically, and your body starts to feel better, active.

It's a chain reaction sweethearts!

My Lazy 2016 (You can skip this if you want to get to the point)

2016 has been pretty exciting, and grim at the same time for everyone. In my case, fatigue and sleep dominated the latter part of my year. 

It's not even that sleep you get when you are tired. It's the boredom or 'lazy to do' anything sleep.

All I kept doing was drinking Ginger Plain Tea, at least thrice a day to boost myself up. And it works, even though it lasts only for a few hours. This is great for those who drink very less water, cause the output is more than the input. 

This also acts as a detox, gets rid of all the toxins skulking in your blood, gives you an instant boost.If you ever thought detox is for those who want to reduce weight, nah nah. YOU WERE WRONG!

So yeah, I read less, procrastinated more. I was too tired, sleepy and lazy that sometimes I couldn't even finish a movie.

Until recently, I decided to do what? DE-CLUTTER


All you have to do is just follow these 3 easy steps, to de-clutter your surrounding, and your life too.

01. Give or Dispose Items You No Longer NEED (Seriously!)

Sigh! You've been there (me too), cleaned your room, house, trying to keep aside the things you no longer need, only to find an excuse to reuse it.

What if I need it anytime soon? your mind voice asks you, but now ask yourself, when did you actually need something you kept aside for future use? You never did what you planned. 

All those clothes you wanted to mix n match, up cycle? Or left for 'some' occasion that never came?
and the papers, empty bottles you have with you for the past 2 years for a recycle or DIY project that barely started.

What have you done with it? Did you put it to good use? do what you planned? Soon after? YES? Then no, you are good to go, don't read on.

But if your answer is a NO with a guilty look from yourself, and if all those 'future use' items are lying somewhere in a cupboard, box or room, you ain't going anywhere, READ!

Image Courtesy:
Let's take clothes as an example to start it off with, because this one step is very tricky and a vast topic to discuss about. 

If you ever wondered how to get rid of clothes, here is how: 
(Just follow the same method with everything else)

Step 1. Pick out all the clothes that are out of trend, looks old (Hey! NO recycling ideas), not your style anymore, not comfy, is damaged, anything that has a sentimental value, but you still don't wear, and the ones that usually gets a NO from you every morning.

Keep your mind open to only one thing, ''The MORE you Give, the more you GET in return", it's TRIED AND TESTED PEOPLE!

Step 2. Now, divide this picked out pile into 3 sections.

A. Clothes that are in good condition, but you most definitely don't like or wear them

  • Give them away to charity, friend or family. 
  • Make the necessary arrangements to give it away ASAP.

B. Clothes that are in good condition, looks old, but comfy

These my dear friends, are your new pajamas.

C. Damaged to the Core, looks Old, Holes, Loose Stitches 

Dispose, or use them for cleaning purposes. If you can't trust yourself, get a scissor and shred it.

Doing this not only clears up your surrounding, but also gives room in your mind to consider new options. 

And helps get rid of that greed and selfishness you had within without your knowledge.

Q. What do I do with items Other than clothes?

Same method, if you can up cycle it, do it soon, but if it costs you more money and time, and you have to put the task away for the next month, then don't, dispose it.

Some one out there is in need of your extra cupboards, tables, and beds. If it's in good condition, sell it, or donate it.


  • SHOPPING BILLS, Throw Throw, keep the warranty cards, but old bills, THROW!
  • GARBAGE Throw it Out regularly
  • LAUNDRY Don't wait for the basket to overflow, wash them when it is half full, and fold them within the day. (Put on some loud music, you'll wish you had more clothes to fold)
02. Fix Ones that Needs Fixing

Clocks, Watches, Locks, anything that needs fixing , applies to even relationships, do it. 

Who would want to keep looking at a clock that has stopped? Such a turn off for life.

03. Act on your 2017 Resolutions NOW

Got your list of resolutions for the New Year? Be Organized, Be Healthy, Blah Blah Blah.

Don't wait for the 1st of Jan to start everything off, start it now, this moment.

  • Write your list of Resolutions, keep it hidden
  • Save your list in your mind
  • Break it into sections, assign one day to one task
  • Use the planner or memo on your phone to keep you in track
  • Get your hidden list at the end of the year, tick everything you managed to do
I remember reading somewhere, if it takes you less than 10 minutes to do, DO IT, don't put it away for another time.

If something needs to be done, if you can afford it, and you can do it, but if it's your mind that is stopping you, nope, don't listen, finish your task.

If you have something to tell someone, use this moment, RIGHT NOW! That email you wanted to send, the card, the message you wanted to forward, the picture you wanted to share, NOW NOW NOW.

If there are things you need to buy, essential items, groceries, clothes, shoes, furniture, soap, toothpaste, batteries, even sanitary napkins if you are a girl,buy today. Be Prepared. Don't wait for the last minute.

Cause you see, some times, it's not worth it to be unprepared. It's good for you, less tension, hassle free.

All those items you wanted to buy, but felt stingy, so you put it off for next month? No Sweetheart, Go Buy It. One less thing to worry about.

That DIY Project you wanted to do, DO IT NOW. Don't wait, you will only add more clutter to your home or workplace.

Anyway, do what your heart says, think wise, but don't Overthink. And Live the moment, It's NOW or NEVER on this planet Baby!

Have a Great, Exciting, Healthy, Active and Spontaneous 2017!

Got any queries, ideas, suggestions? Email me on