

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Anything Is Possible, Learn to extract the good out of the bad

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Yes,as the title suggests,Anything is Possible,that is,Nothing is Impossible for us to do,it all depends on our thoughts, the way we see things.

Many of us still neglect certain tasks with the thought that we cannot do it, and we depend on someone else to get the particular task done,and there you realize your potential when that someone refuses the particular task, most probably all of us will get pissed off when someone refuses something,and that anger within gives you a sudden courage which makes you do the task perfectly & to your own surprise,QUICKLY!!!

This also applies in cases of misconceptions, for example, We are afraid to enter a particular place because there is a misconception within others (which makes us believe that too) that there are evil spirits or negative energies in that place which prevents us from taking further steps,but at one point,if someone else makes fun of you being a coward, again there comes a courage within you wanting to prove that you really are not and that you have the potential to enter the so called place,and you do go to the place & even stay alone there for hours.

See this quote; "When you say, "I can't" and expect the worst, you become weak and unhappy.
When you say "I can", and expect success, you fill yourself with confidence and happiness"

So,all it takes for these to happen is an external force,a negative force,to make you absorb the positivity present in the negative & your own positive thoughts as well.

If looked in the perspective of a physics student,the above lines may make no sense at all,but all what I need to say is try to extract the good out of a bad,no matter what the situation is,think positive,it gives you all the courage,self-confidence & finally yes,ultimate happiness and satisfaction.

So next time when some one makes fun of you or refuses to do a certain job,or if something goes wrong around you,just relax, don't be angry or frustrated, and think about the goodness in whatever happened, take the courage to show the world who you are.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely said :)
    Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything
