

Friday, November 23, 2012

Lets Be Aware of Our Self & Achieve Success and Happines in Life

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Yesterday I was updating the following words as a status for my FB account,

"Take time to become more self aware and use this learning to be kinder to both yourself and to others,In this way,your inner angst is being dealt with rather than fueling your need to project the hurt and pain"

Then at that moment I felt that I should write a few words about how to become self aware,though I had the basic idea,I wanted to make sure I was right,so got some points from the Internet as well,Is it wrong in getting a few points from around and writing an article when It can be useful to others??? Look at the fact,not the source,so given below are points on how to become self aware,partially from the internet & my own explanation as well :),Its easy if I copy paste,but no,I typed them,because that's when my own ideas & words flow freely ;)

How to become self-aware? 

"We search for happiness everywhere, but we are like Tolstoys' fabled beggar who spent his life sitting on a pot of gold, under him the whole time. Your treasure-your perfection- is within you already,but to claim it,you must leave the buy commotion of the mind and abondon the desires of the ego and enter into the silence of the heart" says Elizabeth Gilbert, an American author.

So,What's Self awareness?

Self-awareness is having a clear view about your personality,i.e including your Strengths,Weaknesses,Thoughts (their positivity),Beliefs, Motivations (things that motivate you), Diversion (what diverts you) and emotions (how strong your emotions are and their impact on your path to success).

Why develop self awareness?

01. To make changes in your thoughts ie to reduce thinking pessimistically;

02. To make changes in the interpretations made in your mind,it will allow you to change your emotions,which is one of the attributes of Emotional Intelligence in the path of success;

03. To make our lives happy which will in turn make others lives happy. 

Self awareness as the basic step

Self awareness is the first step to create what you want and who you are in life.

Your thoughts,aims,places you focus your attention,your emotions,your reaction to your own emotions and others emotions,your personality portrayed through it and your behaviour determine where you go in life.

Always remember that your thoughts helps you to build your personality,and your emotions which are sudden and unexpected due to some particular situation can destroy the Image created by our thoughts and thus creates a new image which would be unconvincing.

Self-awareness to build your personality

Importance of Self awareness:
  • It can make you see where your thoughts and emotions take you and what others think of you,it creates a positive social background.
  • It can help allow you to see the control of your emotions,words,behaviours due to your emotion & then finally your personality as a result of your behaviours.
So the base of self awareness is having control over your thoughts,emotions and words which are the outcome of one another!

How to be Self aware?

Identify your capacity to understand and control your emotions,especially Anger.

Change the way you think, think positive,be ego free,be the 1st to compromise, these will reduce the strength of your emotions like anger.

If you are in anger with some one don't talk with them for a while, just relax for 10 minutes, if on the phone tell you will call back,but tell it in a calm tone. If not on the phone,go away from the person for a few minutes,make sure your words or actions won't make the other angry or hurt.

Later come back and explain the other the reason for you to be angry and say sorry if you had hurt,and speak out things slowly and calmly,the other person will definetely understand you,and I'm sure the other will also try the same method when he/she is angry.

Here you are creating your personality as well as many others'. So make the change in you,others will change too,you will have the ultimate satisfaction of your actions.

Until you are aware in the moment of the controls to your thoughts,emotions and words,it will be difficult to make changes in the direction of your life,which is essential for success and happiness in your life.

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